
The high rate of spread of hoax news about politics influences the emergence of conflict in society, including conflicts due to differences in support for political figures and leading to disputes on social media and even directly in the community. On the other hand, the community promoting peace in the Greater Malang area is thriving. This study explored the best strategy for building political awareness through peace education organized by civic communities. Qualitative methods were used with a comparative-evaluative design, and the study was conducted in the community based in Malang Raya. The results showed that the strategy of building political awareness through peace education was carried out by focusing on several things, namely: 1) the form of activity was adjusted based on age and social background; 2) the materials included information on national insights, hoaxes, and tolerance; and 3) activities were evaluated periodically and program participants were involved for continuous improvement. Almost all programs which were adapted to the characteristics and needs of the community were able to help build political awareness in the field of fighting hoaxes. However, community development efforts by the government should also be appropriately considered.
 Keywords: political literacy, peace education, civic community

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