
This study delves into the intricate process of integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the operational and academic frameworks of Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR). RMUTR presents a unique context, characterized by specific challenges and opportunities that delineate its journey towards embedding sustainability. Using a Theory of Change (ToC) model, this study indicatespathways for adaptation, offering insights into capacity building, curriculum development, student engagement, sustainable operations, and strategic partnerships, all underlined by the university’s distinct characteristics. The findings shown the dynamic interplay between RMUTR’s size, resources, and stakeholder engagement patterns in shaping its approach to SDG integration. Resource limitations are balanced with flexibility and adaptability, offering nuanced strategies that are contextually relevant and potentially replicable. The study underscores the importance of a customized approach, where SDG integration is not a linear, universal process but is influenced by the specific institutional, cultural, and resource contexts. The outcomes of this study not only contribute to the understanding of SDG integration in smaller universities but also offer transferable insights and strategies that can be adapted by similar institutions globally, enriching the discourse on sustainable development in higher education and beyond.

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