
Research has demonstrated that a strong employer brand has a significant positive impact on the organization, including an influence on talent attraction and retention, gaining a competitive advantage by building a positive impact in public and enhancement of the employee engagement and consequently organizational performance. The purpose of this paper is to support organizations in developing a structural approach towards building an employer brand in order to attract, engage and retain the best employees and thus increase their performance. The paper will present the existing research regarding the employer branding strategies and via a case study analyse the practical implication these strategies have. A case study included a qualitative research done on PWC, a consulting and audit company operating on Serbian market. The study utilized the structured interviews in order to analyse the starting position of the organization, the challenges it was facing, and the desirable outcomes. The interviews also examined the strategies and actions taken to achieve these outcomes, as well as the results of the process. The results of the study demonstrated that the impact the strategies had was positive. But, what proved to be lacking was the structural approach towards the strategy implementation as well as clear measurements of the impact the strategies had on the overall organizational performance.

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