
COVID-19 has spread worldwide, and several governments, including Indonesia, are actively vaccinating. However, numerous factors may contribute to decreased vaccination administration, including hesitation, a lack of information, and demographic considerations. Therefore, this review provides insights on maximizing vaccine distribution and raising community awareness about COVID-19 vaccination in rural regions with difficulty in transportation access, a lack of health care workers, and limited vaccine storage facilities. It was discovered that numerous potential methods, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), bio-tracking and bio-detect, P-median, and Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), can monitor vaccination delivery in rural parts of Indonesia. The correct vaccine distribution system can monitor situations during distribution by combining IoT technology with bio-tracking and bio-detect in airborne transportation. Besides enhancing vaccine distribution technologies, healthcare professionals play a critical role in maintaining vaccine quality and improving community awareness of diseases. In particular, as a healthcare professional, a pharmacist has an essential role in ensuring the quality of the vaccine until it is administered to the patient and improving patients’ awareness of COVID-19 and the vaccinations. Pharmacists can collaborate with other healthcare professionals to educate the community to identify important information related to wrong perceptions about COVID-19 and vaccinations.

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