
Prematurity is one of the most stubborn health problems in our society, no other problem impairs afflicted children more seriously and long lasting. In spite of remarkable progress in the treatment of premature infants, the outcomes are still not satisfying and the prematurity rate is still increasing. Prevention of prematurity therefore seems a public health goal with a high priority in obstetrics. Health promotion should be an important issue of counseling in the gynecological practice, recommending favorable living habits in and before pregnancy. Risk factors have to be identified and adverse influences removed for the primary prevention of premature delivery. Secondary prevention requires screening with predictors for the treatment or avoidance of an imminent premature delivery, while the goal of tertiary prevention is the avoidance of health consequences for mother and newborn from a premature delivery and the prevention of recurrence. Not all risk factors for prematurity are known, so far. The identification and removal of unfavorable factors in the society and the individual are important tasks for the future. Better predictors for screening have to be identified and evaluated for the prevention of a premature delivery in order to make tertiary prevention a rare necessity. The prevention of prematurity remains a persistent challenge to obstetrics.

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