
Relevance. Ensuring the long-term competitiveness and efficiency of mining enterprises requires increasing the pace of development: the introduction of new technologies, the improvement of labor methods, the implementation of institutional transformations. However, the implementation of the innovation strategy does not occur systematically, at an insufficient pace, with an excess of resource costs and a systematic failure to achieve planned results, due mainly to subjective factors based on contradictions between economic goals and the social policy of the enterprise. Purpose of the study: the formation of standard strategies for the socio-economic development of a mining enterprise, depending on the dynamics of the external and internal environment. Research methods. In the course of the study, the methods of structural-functional analysis, abstract-logical modeling, socio-economic forecasting, production experiment and systems approach were used.. Results. On the basis of the study of the processes of transformation of the mining industry, the general problems hindering the innovative development of enterprises are highlighted. The main reason for such problems is managerial inconsistencies between technical and economic capabilities and motivational mechanisms. Based on the study of the transformation processes of mining enterprises, four standard strategies of socio-economic development have been developed that ensure the transition to sustainable development based on a balanced distribution of limited resources between social and economic goals. Conclusions. The fundamental strategies of socio-economic development are determined by overlapping development cycles of the external and internal environment: concentration, adaptation, evolutionary and innovation. The correct choice of strategy allows making rational management decisions: in crisis conditions - to reduce economic losses, to preserve the assets of the enterprise and the operability of the technological subsystem; in favorable conditions - to realize the potential of the enterprise based on the growth of efficiency and sustainability of its work


  • Ensuring the long-term competitiveness and efficiency of mining enterprises requires increasing the pace of development: the introduction of new technologies, the improvement of labor methods, the implementation of institutional transformations

  • The implementation of the innovation strategy does not occur systematically, at an insufficient pace, with an excess of resource costs and a systematic failure to achieve planned results, due mainly to subjective factors based on contradictions between economic goals and the social policy of the enterprise

  • On the basis of the study of the processes of transformation of the mining industry, the general problems hindering the innovative development of enterprises are highlighted

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Причины проблемы У менеджмента не сформирована потребность в инновациях. Стимулирование производится за счет точечных материальных выплат. Инновации приводят к повышению неопределенности деятельности на всех уровнях управления Не формируются и не реализуются стандарты функционала менеджмента: уровень ответственности должен отражать уровень управления инновации, не совпадают с интересами будущих пользователей инновации То есть наблюдается дисбаланс экономических и социальных интересов субъектов, разрабатывающих и реализующих стратегии развития предприятия [11]. Целью работы является формирование типовых стратегий социально-экономического развития горнодобывающего предприятия в зависимости от динамики внешней и внутренней среды. Для устранения несоответствия между необходимостью непрерывного развития и интересами менеджмента любые преобразования должны осуществляться в соответствии с траекторией, которая определяется целями субъектов предприятия с учетом обеспечения устойчивости в краткосрочном и долгосрочном периодах. Траектория развития определяет тип стратегии, учитывающей структуру и особенности предприятия, технико-технологический уклад и достигнутый уровень технико-экономических параметров. Выбор стратегии предопределяется потенциалом и текущими возможностями предприятия с учетом с условий и рисков внешней среды

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