
Among the skills that modern people need for self-realization there are creativity, critical thinking, communication with people, working with information, computer literacy, striving for self-improvement, flexibility, openness to innovations. To navigate the turbulent flow of information, each individual needs developed critical thinking. Critical thinking skills should be developed and refined right from the school desk, from the early school age. Children are open to innovations. These qualities should be used to their maximum potential in the educational process. The article presents separate methods for the development of critical thinking, which a primary school teacher can use in teaching process of the subject "I am in the World". Specific examples of using the Aquarium methods are presented: "Fish bone", "Six hats" and others at the lessons in the 3rd form of comprehensive schools. The emphasis is made on the importance of students’ critical thinking, which promotes orientation towards success in activity, self-realization and self-development. Mastering the strategies of critical thinking development is considered as an important task of educational systems in many countries of the world, including Ukraine. Critical thinking is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Facilitating its development in students requires a teacher of high professionalism. In this situation attention should be paid to the systematic and thorough study of the theory and methodology of teaching, the experience of using various strategies of other teachers, methodologists, accumulation of their own experience. There are a lot of methods for the development of critical thinking. Each of them has its own specifics, structure, stages (although it is not forbidden to make certain adjustments, taking into account the age of pupils, the studied subject). Proper use of such methods in the course "I am in the World”, which is interdisciplinary and shapes the outlook of students, will help the primary school teacher to teach children to think independently, to see and evaluate the problem, to look for several possible solutions, to make decisions and to interact effectively with others.

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