
Development of suitable strategy to overcome genotypic limitations of in vitro regeneration in sorghum would help utilize high yielding but poor tissue culture responsive genotypes in genetic manipulation programmes. A factorial experiment was conducted with two explants (immature embryos and inflorescences), eight genotypes (five Sorghum sudanense and three Sorghum bicolor genotypes), three levels of 2,4-D (1 mg l−1, 3 mg l−1, and 5 mg l−1), and two levels of kinetin (0.0 mg l−1 and 0.5 mg l−1). The induced callus was transferred to the regeneration media with factorial combinations of IAA (1.0 mg l−1 and 2.0 mg l−1) and kinetin (0.5 mg l−1 and 1.0 mg l−1). S. sudanense regenerated at significantly higher frequency (38.91%) and produced shoots more intensely (2.2 shoots/callus) than S. bicolor (26.93%, 1.26 shoots/callus). Immature inflorescences regenerated at a much higher frequency (46.48%) and produced significantly more number of shoots (2.71 shoots/callus) than immature embryos (22.35%, 0.99 shoots/callus). Moreover, differences for plant regeneration between genotypes of the same species were minimal when using immature inflorescences. Increase in the 2,4-D concentration in callus induction media exhibited inhibitory effect on callus induction, growth, shoot induction and number of shoots/callus but inclusion of kinetin in callus induction media improved these responses. Use of immature inflorescence explant and inclusion of kinetin in callus induction media could overcome genotypic limitations of plant regeneration to a large extent. The extent of variability, heritability and expected genetic advance was more in plant regeneration traits than in callus induction traits. This indicated that the variability in respect of these attributes in the genotypes may be due to the additive gene action and selection of genotypes for these characters would be rewarding.

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