
One of the main factors ensuring the survival of the organizations is their innovation capacity. They have to put the products and services to be implemented on the market prior to their competitors by predicting the customer needs in order to gain advantage during the intense competition in the modern business world. These strategies providing the speed and consequently the competitive advantage can only be determined and applied in an appropriate organization structure. The appropriate organization structure for innovation is the organic structure convenient for dynamic environments. Additionally, the innovation may be easily developed in ambidextrous organization structures supporting both radical and incremental innovation. Other factors that catalyze the innovation are tolerance for the mistakes, continuous learning, motivation for risk taking, competitiveness, good management of conflict, open communication characteristics, and innovative organization culture. The external orientation which is the common feature of innovative organization culture and innovative organization structure brings along the open innovation which is the inevitable approach of our present day. By accepting that the innovation idea source may come within the organization as well as from outside and creating a system accordingly will have an effect which will increase the organization’s innovation potential.

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