
Eating disorders, especially anorexia nervosa, are complex and devastating illnesses. Although eating disorders have a high mortality rate and are relatively common, there are many barriers for those seeking treatment. Provider training and education, weight bias among health care providers, geographical and language barriers, and a lack of options because of insurance restrictions prevent many families from receiving appropriate care, especially in smaller or rural communities. In those areas, providers are left to piece together treatment using a small number of other providers from different disciplines who have a willingness to work with this population. Outpatient family based treatment is an evidenced-based treatment of anorexia nervosa and relies on a multidisciplinary approach to care. Community-based care teams can be an effective way to treat those with eating disorders seeking family based treatment. There are several strategies for building collaborative teams that can provide comprehensive and accessible care to those with few options. [Pediatr Ann. 2024;53(1):e22-e27.].

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