
In a democratic society like ours, the role of the press is to gather, to structure and to disseminate accurate and comprehensive information concerning matters of public interest, information that the audience needs. Any coercion or obstruction of these activities, violates the public`s right to information. Freedom of the press also derives from the fundamental freedoms of thought, speech, expression and opinion, enshrined in various national and international laws and normative acts. The concept of the public interest is constantly evolving, which makes it difficult to define it, but, nevertheless, it can be said that it is information of public interest that allows citizens to participate fully in social and political activities. In order to determine what is in the interest of the public, the media and individual journalists will carry out research independently, without any constraints, respecting the job description and the legislation in force.


  • ISSN: 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com reacts to different events, but in order for the public relations department to be effective, it must react planned, in relation to the objectives of the organization

  • Public relations must be understood as a necessity for the organization, because through them information, understanding, sympathy, trust and support from customers, partners, the public and the mass-media are obtained

  • Public relations are the management of communication and they aim for organizations to be as transparent and responsive as possible

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4.2.Research tools In order to achieve the research objectives, we analyzed a series of appearances in the media that had as main topic the Constanța City Hall, appearances considered generating possible crisis situations or the actual presentation of the existing crises.

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