
Aim: The main objective of the paper was to show important factors in the work of public administration officials, namely the strategy of counteracting professional burnout at the organizational and individual level and professional ethics. Methods: Research methods such as observation and analysis were used in the presented paper. Results: The analysis presented in the text shows that, firstly, it is necessary to take care of strategies for counteracting professional burnout at the organizational and individual level. This requires a high level of awareness of the organization itself, as well as the attentiveness of the officials themselves and continuous work and improvement. Secondly, taking care of the lack of professional burnout will have a positive impact on maintaining professional ethics among public administration staff. Next, it should also be remembered that the phenomenon of burnout can be cyclical, so it can occur many times throughout the entire working life. On the other hand, the culmination of the entire process of professional burnout may be a sense of complete inadequacy and a belief in the lack of self-worth, affecting not only the feeling of individual ineffectiveness, but also affecting the effectiveness of the entire organization, including professional ethics. Conclusion: Burnout syndrome is, according to experts on the subject, one of the most important contemporary threats for all professionally active people. It also applies to public administration employees. And although the phenomenon itself in this professional group has not been comprehensively studied, there is no doubt that it is present among employees of today's public administration. Despite the many, as it turns out, factors contributing to the burnout of civil servants in public administration, it is not an inevitable process that cannot be stopped in any way. There are a number of actions presented in the paper which, if taken early enough and implemented in a consistent and systemic manner, can effectively counteract the professional burnout of civil servants. Without a doubt, this effort is worth the price, as it guarantees long-term employee satisfaction, also determining the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire organization. Unfortunately, there is no effective remedy that protects against the occurrence of the syndrome, nor is there one that is able to effectively immunize against it. Strategies for counteracting professional burnout should be introduced already at the organizational level in order to minimize the causes of professional burnout, which may lead to a gradual spiral of discouragement among officials, growing in them a feeling of fatigue with work to the point of complete exhaustion, negatively affecting not only professional relations, but also the entire sphere of private contacts. Originality: What should be emphasized, which deserves special attention, is that it is also extremely important, recommended by many experts on the subject, mindfulness, listening to oneself and the signals sent by one's own body, as well as constant work on oneself. These actions should be treated as prevention, which will prevent the first symptoms of burnout or, if they do appear, will allow you to successfully emerge from the initial phase of burnout while maintaining professional ethics. Key word: professional ethics, organization, strategy, burnout, public administration, official, responsibility

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