
AbstractDiesel engines have been dominant powerplants for transporting goods and public transport, powering agricultural machines as well as industrial machines. After hundred years of evolution, these machines continue to be the most efficient among their counterparts. A practical vision and unbiased analysis would conclusively prove that diesel engines are here to stay for long. Over the years, technology has evolved to meet the demands of customers and policymakers. Fuel efficiency has improved significantly along with the reduction in noise to near-zero levels. An order of magnitude reduction in NOx and PM has been achieved in the last couple of decades. Future fuels and advanced combustion technology are pioneering the clean diesel revolution. However, the efficiency of conventional diesel combustion (CDC) engines should not be compromised. Therefore, modern-day engine developers need to appreciate the challenges faced in the past and how they have been resolved. This chapter summarises the fundamental causes of in-efficiency, pollutant formation, and possible approaches to tackle them. The chapter also focuses on the technological evolution of diesel engines, modern designs, and strategic optimization trends.KeywordsCDCBowl-geometryPollutantsNOxPM

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