
The aim of this study was to identify the differences in the perception of the preferred level of corporate culture in Europe (Czech Republic and Slovak Republic), Asia (the People’s Republic of China (Beijing Municipality), and the Russian Federation (Sverdlovsk region). The research methodology was based on the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument, which is a well-known and widely used measurement tool developed by Cameron and Quinn (1999). Based on statistical verification through an analysis of variance and Tukey’s honest significant difference (HSD) test, similarities in corporate cultures were seen for employees working in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, and People’s Republic of China, and there was a demand for a clan corporate culture. In the Russian Federation, employees preferred market and hierarchy corporate cultures. Furthermore, the corporate culture within the Baby Boomer, X, and Y generations was analysed. Within generations, major inter-regional differences were not confirmed. A positive corporate culture can contribute to further strategic development of companies and successful operation in the market.

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