
Contemporarily social networking sites utilize an idealized self-presentation to reach out to diverse and individual users. The information communicated across users has drifted to incorporate unanticipated gains of reforms focusing on empowering users to have total control of their account and profile information. Constructing a self-presentation in online social networking requires the collection of content, layout and design to reflect personality and goals. This study tends to present the relative impact of various self-presentation styles on improving the quality of services afforded by social networking sites. Findings based on the dominant self-presentation such as self-promotion, ingratiation, exemplification, supplication, and intimidation were expressed in terms of impression and behavior as well as their impeding risk. Findings on self-presentation on social networking sites confines to the pinning effect of socializing with other online users via online social networking sites such as Facebook. Keywords: Self-presentation, Facebook, Social networking, Networking community, Account information.

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