
This article proposes the use of strategic planning of information systems to improve the management of information concerning to the volcano monitoring equipment that is in charge of the Research institutions and volcano monitoring in Latin America (RIVMLA). In first place, technology needs are analyzed for information management; subsequently it explains how the strategic plan of information systems is being develop and lastly it gives a concrete result that consist in the construction of the software GLOVOREMID (Global Volcano Research and Monitoring Institutions Database) product and it evaluates the improvements of management information. The surveys that were applied in the first part of the investigation, shows that the majority of the RIVMLA uses spreadsheets as a tool to store data from volcanic activity and volcanic monitoring tools, that identifies a general knowledge of relational bases from scientist and technicians, but still needs the appropriation of RIVMLA information technologies. As a result product of this investigation process and through the application of information management strategies, it presents a software denominated GLOVOREMID, which facilitates the diagnosis of volcano monitoring in Latin America.

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