
Cities, accommodates more than half of the world population, contributes a major role in overall global development. However, the urban environment has its own challenges, and most prevalent issue is noise pollution, and it is described as a contemporary plague. This problem is linked to various health issues in public like depression, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, and decreased concentration etc. Compounding the issue is the cumulative impact of noise, where the detrimental effects may not manifest immediately. The study emphasizes the critical need for strategic planning approach and the measures to tackle various urban noise sources. The study also focuses into existing policies and guidelines on noise control in Indian urban context and explores different noise analysis approaches and regulations of other countries through case studies. The analysis delivers a set of recommendations on reducing noise pollution through noise zoning, based on the case studies. These recommendations range from the installation of noise barriers along transportation corridors to the implementation of zoning regulations that segregate noisy industrial or commercial activities from residential areas. Additionally, the study advocates for the establishment of strict noise limits tailored specifically for road traffic, underlining the pivotal role of well-designed public transport systems. This not only help in reducing noise impacts but also promotes sustainable urban development. Overall, the study attempts to create quieter, healthier sustainable urban spaces.

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