
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) evidently caused untold suffering and disruption of activities worldwide. Several hundreds of millions of individuals were infected, resulting in millions of deaths and socioeconomic losses in all regions of the world. It is possible that availability of information required to make a quick decision would have prevented the consequences of the disease, suggesting that the COVID-19 pandemic was an indication of a global medical intelligence failure. Indeed, medical intelligence is a critical aspect of intelligence gathering, responsible for collection, analysis, interpretation and characterization of the data to effectively monitor the outbreak of diseases and activate the required modalities and strategic planning to provide prompt preparedness and response countermeasures (including nonmedical and medical such as rehabilitation) to manage the public health risk or mitigate the incident. In this context, the role of technology, especially AI, ML and DL applications to support the medical intelligence is explored into this paper. The study followed systematic literature review to gather the information and arrive at strategic model. The study extends practical implications by suggesting the role of AI, ML and DL in medical intelligence, that should be considered as a fundamental arm of the national security architecture of a nation. With tremendous progress in technologies, further enhancement of medical intelligence can help to mitigate potential public health risks and future pandemics. There is an urgent demand for a better knowledge of what tasks information structures and technology scientists can play in this global pandemic related to medical intelligence. Current paper thus details the critical components of medical intelligence systems and networks required as countermeasures for future pandemics.

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