
AbstractA substantial surge in ESG research has triggered a wide dissemination of research across various domains, underscoring the need for an extensive appraisal of the complex ESG landscape. This paper is grounded on a sample of 441 documents retrieved from the Web of Science database, spanning from 2007 to 2023. A strategic mapping was performed to decipher the cumulative scientific knowledge by delving into the interrelations among various facets and identifying the field's basic, motor, niche, and emerging themes. We also explore the thematic evolution of ESG across distinct time frames, indicating ESG's inception, evolution, and diversification over the years. Our findings contribute to the ESG literature by categorizing it into seven clusters across the four quadrants. Results of the strategic mapping accentuate the obsolete, over‐researched and promising areas of ESG research. We find research on CSR, socially responsible investments and ESG‐firm performance themes as over‐researched areas calling for diversification. Promising research areas include the emerging association of ESG with portfolio construction, green innovations and investments, ESG controversies, information asymmetry, divergence, greenwashing, AI‐enabled universal rating mechanism, up‐grading and down‐grading of ESG scores and ESG‐linked compensations. Thematic evolution of ESG research underpins the culmination of its interplay with sustainability, emerging markets, board diversity, and green financing. Finally, the factorial analysis strengthens the reliability of the main findings, making it robust. This paper stands as the initial venture providing a comprehensive exploration of conceptual linkages, shifts, and advancements within the ESG literature through thematic mapping, offering an original contribution to the field.

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