
The article states that in the management theory there is a contrast between the concepts of effective corporate governance and the management of business processes, while the process approach solves a number of problems of improving the model and practice of corporate governance. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate the sources of synergies from the implementation of strategic management using the principles, models and tools of the process approach. The methodological basis of this article is the presentation of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as the business process framework for strategic management of the company, and the BSC tools - the strategic map and key performance indicators - as attributes of its maturity assessment in accordance with the requirements of the ISO / IEC 15504 series standards, its measurement and control, respectively. In the article results of an estimation of experts of economic services of some companies of practice of application of key indicators of efficiency and strategic cards from positions of process efficiency are resulted. A number of proposals are formulated to develop the methodology and improve the practice of applying a balanced system of indicators in the management of a modern organization through process efficiency tools - the system dynamics model, statistical process control and reliability management. The importance of transforming the strategic map into a full-scale cause-effect diagram is emphasized by including in the model feedback loops and supplementing it with formal flow diagrams, as well as a system of differential equations using automated systems and graphic and visual modeling languages (ELMA BPM, DYNAMO, Ithink). At the same time, the practice of statistical verification and measuring the possible consequences of strategic decisions and the “processing” of risk should be formed. Formation of the information-logical structure of strategic management of the company using the model and tools of the process approach will allow to formalize its procedures and results, providing prerequisites for efficiency and continuous improvement, achieving a new level of competitiveness and relationships with owners, personnel, and the market.


  • A B S TRA CT The article states that in the management theory there is a contrast between the concepts of effective corporate governance and the management of business processes, while the process approach solves a number of problems of improving the model and practice of corporate governance

  • The purpose of the study is to demonstrate the sources of synergies from the implementation of strategic management using the principles, models and tools of the process approach

  • The methodological basis of this article is the presentation of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as the business process framework for strategic management of the company, and the BSC tools — the strategic map and key performance indicators — as attributes of its maturity assessment in accordance with the requirements of the ISO / IEC 15504 series standards, its measurement and control, respectively

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Для нормального функционирования рыночной

В современном менеджменте среди многих дру- экономики необходим определенный уровень догих сформировалось два, на первый взгляд, про- верия миноритарных акционеров и потенциальных тивоположные подхода. С точки зрения процессного подхода ССП является фреймворком (стандартной схемой) стратегического управления 2. ССП можно представить в качестве фреймворка процесса стратегического управления деятельностью компании с определенной оговоркой. Такое утверждение можно сделать только в случае, если постараться ответить на вопрос: обеспечивают ли инструменты ССП возможность оценки организацией своих процессов стратегического управления в соответствии с требованиями стандартов серии ИСО/МЭК 15504? К оценке практики применения КПЭ как инструхарактеризовать процесс и как неспособный достичь мента реализации атрибута «измерение процесса выходов, и как обеспечивающий устойчивое дости- стратегического управления» в своих компаниях жение текущих и планируемых целей, и при этом с использованием описанного подхода были привыявить «непредсказуемые» составляющие атри- влечены 70 специалистов экономических служб ряда бутов, слабые места, связанные с каждым из них. 3. Рассмотрим инструменты ССП в качестве атрибу- мерение процесса» в стратегическом управлении тов процесса стратегического управления в ком- компанией представлены на рис.

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