
The main objective of this study is to determine how strategic leadership and organizational climate are related to work performance in the hospital of Quillabamba – Cusco, where the type of research is basic, non-experimental design, correlational level, sample of 226 workers, survey technique, questionnaire instrument and quantitative approach. It was found that 67.7% of the workers perceive the leadership that characterizes the managers of the entity as regular. The most important dimension is“Organizational”, and the one focused on improving “Environmental hygiene”; 66.8% consider the organizational climate is regular, the most important dimension is“Respect” and the one focused on improving was “Competitiveness”; 67.3% consider their level of work performance is regular, the most important dimension is“Self-motivation” and the one focused on improving “Competencies”. It was concluded that strategic leadership is directly and highly related to job performance (Rho = 0.763 and p = 0.000), and that organizational climate is directly and moderately related to job performance (Rho = 0.599 and p = 0.000).

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