
This study aimed to know the impact of strategic-leadership practices with its dimensions (strategic direction, empowerment, human-capital development and balanced-control system) on improving the performance level of employees in the Sharjah police headquarter. The study relied on the descriptive analytical approach and conducted a comprehensive survey on a sample consisting of employees in the Strategy Department at the Sharjah Police Headquarter. The number of the study population is about 66 people and the answers of 62 people working in the Department were obtained, with a rate of about 93.4%. The study reached a set of results, including that there is a high degree of perception among employees in the strategy management of the concept of strategic leadership and its importance in developing and improving the level of performance of employees. It also showed the presence of a statistically significant impact of strategic-leadership practices with its dimensions (strategic direction, empowerment, human-capital development and the balanced-control system) on improving the performance level of employees of the Sharjah Police Headquarter.
 The study recommended the need to continuously review the needs of workers and work to increase their empowerment and support in the decision-making process for performance development, as well as to address all obstacles in order to raise the level of clarity of strategic direction and invest in the capabilities of the Sharjah Police Headquarter to achieve the desired goals.

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