
Based on a review of the literature in Phase I, Chapters 2 and 3 offered a conceptual framework of individual strategic capability in the context of the realities of the strategic process. The four key elements of the framework identified in the research were: Engagement with strategic paradoxes The work of forming and executing strategy requires the exercise of strategic judgement, or the ability to synthesize or balance conflicting goals and processes. Cognitive and behavioural complexity High performance strategic leaders demonstrate high levels of cognitive and behavioural complexity i.e. they have a complex repertoire of ways of thinking and behaving. Ability to conduct a strategic conversation Strategy-making may be visualized as unfolding in the organization through a series of metaphorical conversations. These include a conversation with other people, a conversation with unfolding events, and a conversation in the mind of the strategic leader. Understanding and challenging context All strategy is contextual, and each context offers unique interpretive and inertial challenges. Individuals in strategic roles need to be able to understand the context and work within it, but at the same time be able to challenge it when necessary. KeywordsField NoteInformal LearningFormal LearningStrategic ProcessStrategic LeaderThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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