
The deep technological changes, update the key competences of the human factor, the related organizational and institutional changes represent the change way of economic life, resulting in the emergence of new functions of strategy development process, the study of which is repelled by the results of the development of the basic functions of strategic management, as well as takes into account the problems and contradictions of the development of regional economies, as disclosed in the current scientific literature. The article deals with the problems of strategy development of regional economic systems in the conditions of the acceleration of postindustrial transformation. The article highlights the imperatives behind switching to strategic planning and management at the regional and local levels in the market. Presented regional strategy neoindustrialization as the quintessence of regional policy for one of the regions of the country – Krasnodar region. The strengths and the weaknesses of the regional economy were analyzed and identified, some problems that prevent the region from reaching a new stage of development, offered ways of their solution.

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