
Strategic geotechnical asset management considers the whole of an organization9s earthworks portfolio and is concerned with setting an overall earthworks asset management policy with long-term objectives related to asset performance, safety and condition, and identifying how those objectives can best be met, now and into the future. A risk-based approach is adopted that requires an understanding of the likelihood that any of the earthworks may fail, combined with a knowledge of the consequences should they fail. Procedures are required to identify those earthworks that are most vulnerable to failure under the influence of triggering events, such as extreme weather. The risks are managed through a mix of interventions to reduce the likelihood of failure and mitigations to reduce the impact of failure. Many of the challenges of implementing a strategic earthworks policy have, or are, being met by the main UK transportation infrastructure organizations. Thematic collection: This article is part of the Ground-related risk to transportation infrastructure collection available at https://www.lyellcollection.org/cc/Ground-related-risk-to-transportation-infrastructure

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