
The article is devoted to the estimation of the possibilities of strategic development of the tourist sphere in Zhytomyr region. The authors prove that today there is the discrepancy between the complexity of the external environment, in which tourist enterprises operate and the simplicity of the organizational and legal forms, in which the majority of tourist enterprises exist, and this generates the discrepancy between the unification of methods of strategic management and their uniqueness for each individual enterprise. It is determined that the strategic development of the tourism sector needs to be explored through the prism of the use of methods of strategic analysis, which involves the identification of external factors of influence on enterprises. The object of research in the article is the strategic development of the tourist industry in Zhytomyr region. Proceeding from this, the aim of the article is to assess the problems of the functioning of the tourist industry in Zhytomyr region using modern research methodology (in particular, the methods of strategic analysis of the external environment) and the formation of directions for the strategic development of local tourism. It is determined that the objective reasons for the reduction of tourists in the region in recent years is the ATO actions in the East of Ukraine; the imperfection of the regulatory and legal provisions governing the tourist business running; there are not enough promotional activities to promote the domestic tourist product both on the territory of Zhytomyr region and abroad. Using the method of strategic analysis (SWOT analysis), the atrivle reveals the strengths and weaknesses of tourism in the region, threats to its functioning and the possibility of their elimination. Based on the evaluation of the existing local development strategy of Zhytomyr region until 2020, the authors propose the directions for the further development of regional tourism in the context of legislative, information-marketing, infrastructure, scientific and educational, personnel and financial components. Their implementation will contribute to increasing the investment attractiveness of Zhytomyr region and its tourist image.

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