
 Abstract—Internet is causing paradigm shifts on almost every aspects of the life. One major paradigm shift also occurs on the strategic competition field. The new strategic competition is studied based on Porter's value chain analysis and Internet can be considered as a technological improvement on the information and communication technology, which can also be considered as an interface between companies and the environment. The company/environment interface is directly related to the strategic competition and Porter's five forces. By the new paradigm of information and communication, companies should pay a great attention on their Internet based reputation built on the Internet based interfaces. For example, a company with millions of shares on the social media has an obvious advantage over a company on the same sector without any web page. In this study, the companies are criticized by their Internet interfaces, which are social media interfaces such as Facebook or Twitter and company web pages and blogs measuring hate-marks and love-marks of the companies and Web 2.0 sources such as wikis. After collecting statistical information about these Internet interfaces of each company on Internet interfaces, the companies are indexed based on their Internet interface utilization. Furthermore a new model of competition based on Porter's value chain analysis is built and applied for the Internet interfaces.

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