
The internal and external key factors of increased performance in business activities and processes within micro, meta, macro, global and mega business systems are represented through investments in information technologies across intelligent interorganizational systems that enforce a more informational “intellectual” business system within the corporate environment. The key factor of added value and optimal business resource management as well as the development of infrastructure and superstructure is the recognition of strategic development of inter-organizational information in terms of connection with inter-organizational systems. Accordingly, we’ll approach this scientific discussion that analyzes the mentioned factors, and above all information technology, assuming a new paradigm standing point regarding the informatization of business systems, highlighted by an intensive evolution of strategic approaches to the development of informatization in interorganizational systems and their link to the development of electronic business. Under these conditions, business activities and process management are now depending, more than ever, on an appropriate computer supported business network that improves the performance of information technologies using intelligent solutions that encourage new levels of informatization. The first step, upon defining the best development strategies of business systems informatization in Croatia in terms of a more efficient and high-quality connection within the inter-organizational system, is to analyze the business system informatization conditions and advantages in order to ensure modern information technologies like those used in developed countries. Croatia’s position regarding business systems informatization and their actuation within inter-generational systems is assessed according to the research conducted on the level of information technology and electronic business applications. A strategic matrix is used to analyze the strategic approaches and development phases of business system informatization strategies. In regards to the development phase and application, the latter assigns strategies of information technologies practice to the four quadrants of the matrix. Appropriate levels of development of electronic business are allocated to every informatization strategy, whereas different levels can correspond to the same style of informatization strategy, and business systems informatization can be associated with different levels of development of electronic businesses. Croatian organizations are positioned in the appropriate quadrant of the informatization development strategic matrix, along with the corresponding level of electronic businesses. When analyzing the level of development and application of information technologies and electronic businesses of Croatian organizations, the features of every single level are being considered and compared. The key paradigm features of a transition to a higher level within the inter-organizational system, in terms of informatization opportunities and methods, are being evaluated. The synergic influence of informatization technologies development factors towards processes, goals and performances of inter-organizational systems are being modeled according to the analyses and fusion of different levels of informatization strategies and electronic business development.

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