
This study discusses the da’wah communication planning strategy of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya. The purpose of this research is to describe, explain, and know the strategy of communication planning for the da'wah communication of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya and to describe, explain, and know the strategy for the communication planning of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya in a review of Talcott Parsons' functional structural theory. This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data that has been collected are then analyzed, compared, and combined to form a systematic, coherent and complete study result. In this research, it is found that; (1) In the communication planning strategy of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya, it takes the subject of preaching from outside, the message design continues the walisongo method, the media used is face-to-face, and the determination of the audience is the surrounding community. (2) In a review of Talcott Parsons' functional structural theory, the strategy for the communication planning of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya includes adaptation to the surrounding environmental conditions, achieving the goal of the message content of ritual and social piety, integration between the community, the mosque as a place of worship, and the tahfidz Islamic boarding school. Next, in maintaining the pattern, always carry out active and intensive communication with all existing structures and functions in the Peneleh Mosque area of Surabaya. Thus, it is hoped that the process of da'wah communication can be established effectively and efficiently.


  • Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas mengenai strategi perencanaan komunikasi dakwah Masjid Peneleh Surabaya

  • It is hoped that the process of da'wah communication can be established effectively and efficiently

  • Pelayanan Umat dan Kawasan Perekonomian Rakyat,” Jurnal Al-Idarah, (online), Volume

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Hasil dan Pembahasan Profil Masjid Peneleh Surabaya

Secara administratif Masjid Peneleh berlokasi di jalan Achmad Djais Gang Peneleh V No 41 Kelurahan Peneleh, Kecamatan Genteng, Kota Surabaya, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pada saat renovasi masjid tersebut bangunan yang terdapat di dalam Masjid tetap dipertahankan seperti aslinya dengan ditopang oleh sepuluh tiang penyangga dari kayu jati, dan langitlangitnya juga terbuat dari kayu jati. Secara kronologis dalam pendirian Masjid Peneleh, Ketua Takmir Masjid mengungkapkan bahwa dahulu Sunan Ampel datang ke Jawa untuk menengok kakaknya yang dipersunting oleh Raja Majapahit pada saat itu. Sehingga komunikator tersebut yang dalam hal ini adalah da’i akan dipilih berdasarkan pengetahuan dan latar belakang yang sesuai dengan budaya dan ajaran yang berkembang di masyarakat. Sehingga untuk rancangan pesan ini bersumber dari kitab-kitab klasik yang juga digunakan oleh ulama-ulama terdahulu antara lain mengkaji mengenai tafsir Fiqih, tafsir Riyadus sholihin, tafsir Hadist, Ihya’ Ulumuddin, dan tak lupa kitab al-Hikam karya Ibn Ath-Thaillah alIskandari.

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