
The tourism sector contributed as the third largest foreign exchange in 2017 after coal and palm commodities that amounted to 14.86 billion US $. In another condition, tourism services export’s growth is lower than other sector. This research is aiming to (1) analyze tourism service performance, (2) Develop a strategy to increase the competitiveness of Indonesia's tourism sector with a case study of the tourism service sector in Lake Toba and Bali. Bali is chosen as a research location because it becomes a benchmark for the development of 10 destination priorities for Indonesia's tourism, while Lake Toba becomes one of the priorities for the development of increased tourist visits to Indonesia. This research uses primary and secondary data. Primary data are obtained from distributing questionnaires in in-depth interviews and FGDs. While secondary data come from the Central Statistics Agency, Bank of Indonesia, The World Economic Forum, and The World Bank. The analytical method used is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results show that tourists visiting Indonesia are dominated by countries in the ASEAN and other Asia Pacific regions such as Malaysia, China, Singapore, Australia, Timor Leste, Japan, India, and South Korea. Furthermore, other partner countries included in the Top 15 are the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. The priority strategy for increasing competitiveness of Indonesia’s tourism services case studies Toba Lake and Bali are government facilitation and synergy between Ministries/Institutions followed by a strategy to create a business climate with friendly regulations and finally a strategy to strengthen tourism support infrastructure. Keywords: competitiveness, services export’s, tourism service sector, AHP


  • The tourism sector contributed as the third largest foreign exchange in 2017 after coal and palm commodities that amounted to 14.86 billion US $

  • The results show that tourists visiting Indonesia are dominated by countries in the ASEAN and other Asia Pacific regions such as Malaysia, China, Singapore, Australia, Timor Leste, Japan, India, and South Korea

  • The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2017

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Bandar Udara Ngurah Rai

Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner secara mendalam (in-depth interview) terhadap informan kunci di Destinasi Wisata Sumatera Utara yaitu Danau Toba dan Bali yang memiliki potensi di sektor jasa pariwisata. Metode AHP digunakan oleh beberapa penelitian terkait sektor jasa pariwisata diantaranya Hareen (2016) mengenai penentuan prioritas objek wisata yang akan dikembangkan di Kabupaten Bojonegoro dan Pambudi (2018) untuk kasus pengambilan keputusan mengenai destinasi wisata air bagi turis di Kota Bogor. Sebelumnya akan diuraikan langkah-langkah dalam metode AHP menurut Saaty (1994) yang meliputi: Menentukan masalah dan solusi yang diinginkan; Membuat struktur hierarki yang diawali dengan tujuan umum dilanjutkan dengan sub-sub tujuan, kriteria dan kemungkinan alternatif-alternatif pada tingkatan kriteria yang paling bawah; Membuat matriks perbandingan berpasangan yang menggambarkan kontribusi relatif atau pengaruh setiap elemen terhadap masing-masing tujuan atau kriteria yang setingkat di atasnya.

Kinerja Jasa Pariwisata Berdasarkan Kunjungan Wisatawan Mancanegara
Rekomendasi kebijakan
Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Sektor Jasa Pariwisata Indonesia
Level Aktor
Penguatan Infrastruktur Pendukung Pariwisata
Kepuasan terhadap jasa pariwisata yang dihasilkan
Implikasi Manajerial
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