
The shipping industry is one of the industries that can advance global economic integration. Currently, the commercial shipbuilding sector is dominated by China, Japan, Korea, and European countries. The domestic shipping supporting industry has not met all the needs of domestic ships, both warships and commercial ships, and ships used for domestic shipping are almost entirely purchases of used vessels from abroad because they are cheap. In contrast, the contribution of the domestic industry only accounts for less than 10%. This research aimed to formulate a development strategy for the shipping industry by increasing competitiveness to support maritime policies and fulfill the needs of the TNI's Alutsista. This study used the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method. The results showed that the priority strategies that could be implemented comprise seven clusters: Supporting industries (share technology development), core industries (technological capabilities), engineering specifications and designs (idea), feasibility studies (technological readiness), research and development (technological innovation), factor conditions (human resources), and government (long-term program). There are different priority strategies in each cluster. Keywords: analytical network process (anp), competitiveness, shipbuilding industry


  • The shipping industry is one of the industries that can advance global economic integration

  • The results showed that the priority strategies that could be implemented comprise seven clusters: Supporting industries (share technology development), core industries (technological capabilities), engineering specifications and designs (idea), feasibility studies (technological readiness), research and development (technological innovation), factor conditions (human resources), and government (long-term program)

  • Elemen yang digunakan masih terbatas sementara masih banyak subelemen lain yang bisa digunakan untuk lebih baik dalam memilih komponen strategi peningkatan daya saing industri perkapalan

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Analisis Rater Agreement Hasil ANP

Metode ANP adalah metode pengambilan keputusan menggunakan judgment para pakar melalui kuesioner perbandingan berpasangan (pairwised comparisons). Berdasarkan hasil analisis Kendall’s dapat dikatakan signifikan apabila nilai P ≤ 10% dan dapat dinyatakan bahwa seluruh responden pakar memiliki kesepakan yang tinggi ditunjukkan dengan nilai koefisien Kendall’s >0,38. Hasil analisis ANP menghasilkan bahwa strategi yang akan diterapkan terdiri dari tujuh cluster yaitu industri pendukung, industri inti, rekayasa spesifikasi dan desain, studi kelayakan, penelitan dan pengembangan, faktor kondisi, dan pemerintah. Jika dilihat dari cluster industri inti maka strategi yang menjadi prioritas adalah technological capabilities, berupa kemampuan mengimplementasikan hasil riset pengembangan menjadi produk baru, seperti pada penelitian Tulyakova dan Irina (2017) di industri shipbuilding Rusia penjualan kapal sipil lebih banyak tetapi nilainya 22% dari penjuan sementara penjualan kapal perang nilainya lebih banyak tetapi nilainya 82% dari total penjualan, kapal perang yang menggunakan teknologi yang komplek membutuhkan kemampuan teknologi untuk menghasilkan kapal perang yang canggih dan baru serta dibutuhkan pasar walaupun harganya mahal

Studi Kelayakan
Implikasi Manajerial
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