
This research is in the form of a Strategy Development Workshop of PT Semen Padang (SWOT Analysis Approach and Canvas Business Model) Business model development is carried out to determine the current business condition of the unit, to then analyze the strategy to achieve future targets in an effort to survive in tight and challenging business competition and increase market share units. The study was a descriptive exploratory study using participant observation and in depth interview techniques. The results of observations and interviews are then linked to nine elements of the Business Model Canvas (Customer Segment, Value Proposition, Channel, Costumer Relationship, Revenue Stream, Key Resourcess, Key Activities, Key Partnership, and Cost Structure) for SWOT analysis to then be carried out in order to arrange factors - strategic factors of PT Semen Padang Workshop. Management Research Results of PT. Semen Padang allows to sell the excess capacity of the Workshop Unit, from this point it can be seen that management is very supportive of every business that can utilize resources to bring in revenue for PT. Semen Padang. Keywords: Business Model Canvas, SWOT (Costumer Segment, Value Proposition, Channel, Customer Relationship, Revenue Stream, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partnerships, and Cost Structure)

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