
Cassava is a type of tuber that contains carbohydrates so that it can also be used as a substitute staple food.cassava has important nutrients and benefits for the body. In 100 grams of boiled cassava there are calories,98 percent of which comes from carbohydrates,the rest comes from protein and fat. The same dose.cassava also contains fiber,vitamins and minerals while the health benefits include adding good energy for the body.cassava can be processed into various types of food,among which can be processed into tape by means of a fermentation process,namely the oxidation reaction of organic compounds in glutinous rice and cassava with tape yeast.tape has a sour and sweet taste as a result of the fermentation process in Indonesia it self .one of the food ingredients that is very easy to get in various regions,especially in the city of palopo.cassava is processed into traditional snacks,one of which is cheese tape goreng wijen .it is hoped that this new variant of this food is liked and has many fans so that people can take advantage of the resources the natural environment in the area,namely cassava,becomes income and economic value

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