
This study discusses the Marketing Funding Strategy in Increasing the Number of Customers at BNI Syariah Parepare Bank. Strategy in a bank is very important because with a good strategy it will facilitate the main job for a marketing funder where a marketing funder is responsible for increasing the number of bank customers. Related to this, the purpose of this research is to find out the Marketing Funding Strategy in Increasing the Number of Customers at BNI Syariah Parepare Bank.
 The type of research used in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method, the source of research data, namely primary data is data obtained directly in the field based on interviews with informants, namely with customers and employees of funding Bank BNI Syariah Parepare and secondary data obtained from several supporting sources such as books, journals and other data sources related to the research title. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The theory of strategy used in this research is planning, implementation and evaluation.
 The results of this study indicate that: 1) The strategic planning carried out by marketing funding in increasing the number of customers at BNI Syariah Parepare is to determine the target goals first, while the target goals of marketing funding at BNI Syariah Parepare are institutions and individual customers. 2) The implementation of the strategy carried out by marketing funding to achieve these goals is by conducting outreach to agencies and for individual customers by conducting direct door to door visits to introduce BNI Syariah products. 3) Evaluation of the strategy carried out by marketing funding at BNI Syariah Parepare is by reviewing internal and external factors, assessing the performance that has been carried out by looking at the achievement of targets whether these targets can be achieved and continue to increase or not and if not achieved then the next step is to carry out One of the corrective actions taken is to continue to improve Islamic bank products and programs so that they are able to attract public interest.

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