
Pekalongan is one of the citiesin Indonesia that undergo arapid development in various fields. One of 
 thestands out economic activity of the town is Pasar Tiban. Pasar Tiban is a term used for a traditional market 
 which opened without any legal approval from the local government. Based on the data taken from 
 Disperindagkop and UMKM Pekalongan, there are 28 pasar tiban spread across the city in 2014. Eventhough it 
 is ilegal, somehow it moves the informal sector of the city.
 However,its development has caused social problems such astraffic jam, disorder, anddiscomfort. Its 
 existencehas violatedthe ActNo.22of 2009 on Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ Law), Article number 275
 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2), and Act No. 22 of 2009, which regulates the use of 
 the road and side walk. In- depth research has to be done in order to findthe best solutionto overcomethe 
 phenomenonof Pasar Tiban. The purpose of this study is to create a communication strategy to relocate Pasar 
 Tiban without neglecting the interests of traders and communities. This research was conducted by combining
 quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative data are obtained from the questionnaire, where as
 qualitative data are obtained from in-depth interviews as well as field observations. 
 The result showsthe importance of coordination and unity among local leaders, SKPD, and Police so
 that the relocation can be done without any friction. Although most traders do not agree with therelocation there 
 are some traderswho are willing tobe relocated if the concept and the srtucture if the new area is good enough 
 and able to improve their we lf are. In a communication strategy, theobjectives of an action should be clearly 
 defined so that the traderscould easily accept, understand,and are willing to follow all the stages needed for the 
 relocation. The selected communication strategy includes fourt actics, namely; Interpersonal communication, 
 Organizational media, Newsmedia, Advertising and Promotional Media Tactic. All of them will be running 
 perfectly if the objectives was cleary explanied and full support from the stakeholders.
 Keyword: Pasar Tiban market, strategy, communication, relocation


  • Pekalongan is one of the citiesin Indonesia that undergo arapid development in various fields

  • Its existencehas violatedthe ActNo.22of 2009 on Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ Law), Article number 275 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2), and Act No 22 of 2009, which regulates the use of the road and side walk

  • In- depth research has to be done in order to findthe best solutionto overcomethe phenomenonof Pasar Tiban

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Penelitian ini menggabungkan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Untuk memperoleh data penelitian dilakukan: (1) observasi lapangan diperlukan untuk mengetahui kondisi pasar tiban, suasana, arus lalu lintas, perparkiran dan aspek lainnya terkait keberadaan pasar tiban. (2). Wawancara mendalam dengan pimpinan instansi terkait di Kota Pekalongan, wawancara dengan pedagang pasar tiban bermanfaat untuk mengetahui keinginan, harapan, ide, gagasan tentang keberadaan pasar tiban, wawancara dengan pengunjung dan konsumen pasar tiban merupakan kelengkapan gambaran dari sisi lain, wawancara dengan penduduk setempat dan pengguna jalan akan menghasilkan gambaran tentang opini, pendapat, keberatan, ketidaknyamanan, gangguan ketertiban, keamanan yang mungkin timbul dari pelaksanaan pasar tiban. Penyebaran kuesioner kepada pedagang pasar tiban dan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi pasar dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan data kuantitatif sebagai pelengkap data wawancara yang telah dilakukan. Data hasil wawancara dianalisa untuk mengetahui gambaran mendalam tentang kondisi pasar tiban saat ini. Data wawancara dengan pedagang akan memberikan gambaran opini, harapan, usulan terkait pelaksanaan pasar tiban. Data wawancara dengan masyarakat akan memberikan kelengkapan keluhan, harapan, ide, dan sumbangsih pemikiran sebagai bagian dari keterlibatan masyarakat.

Kota Pekalongan
Iklan hanya sebagai pendukung dari taktik yang lain
Penataan dan Pengembangan Sektor Informal di
Riset Nasional dan Bappenas
Informal sebagai
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