
This research study of marketing communications strategy practiced by Dompet Dhuafa in improving muzakki. And chose this case for marketing cmmunicatios strategy is vital to nonprofit /social institution especially institution of Amil and Zakat to survive, more advanced and believed the public so they want of charitable disbursing funds infak and shadaqah through LAZ concerned. Dompet Dhuafa as an institution of amil zakat national level, which have been confirmed by the decree of the minister of religious affairs 439 dated the 8 october 2001, having various program sustainable and useful for the society. This institution is one of the largest LAZ in Indonesia althogh many similar spiringing social institution. Among the key to the success of the Dompet Dhuafa people is major laz and trusted of marketing communications strategy creative innovative and effective. Methods used in this researh is qualitative with the kind of research laz Dompet Dhuafa case study in Jakarta the paradigm is konstruktivis paradigm that is used. Researchers found that srategy of marketing communications done LAZ Dompet Dhuafa, consisting of two models is collecting fund and donor services strategy. Collecting fund activity performed by some means;fundrising, among other methods media campaign make newa,advertising,hold event in central boisterousness picklock ambassador and public figure as rogram. While donor services comprising;access brzakat,eas a system of membership,wisata zakat and publication report. Marketing communications strategy the increase trust so far succesfully muzakki against Laz Dompet Dhuafa so that these institutions to grow from donor number and multiply Keywords : Strategy, Marketing Communication, Dompet Dhuafa, Muzakki

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