
Abstract. The growth of entrepreneurship lately has also helped the growth of startups and creative industries in Indonesia. With this growth, a new trend of joined-offices or usually called co-working space has emerged like wildfire. One of the famous ones is COC (1) How does public relations help the marketing of COC (1) Media Relations, Branding, and Social Activity are the ways used by the PR for marketing of COC face to face, mail marketing, catalogues, telemarketing, online marketing are the ways used by the PR of marketing the events held by COC face to face, mail marketing, katalog, telemarketing, online marketing merupakan cara yang digunakan PR dalam melakukan kegiatan dalam memasarkan CO&CO Space (3) Event yang dilakukan CO&CO Space dimulai dari Pra-Event, Pelaksanaan event, hingga Pasca-Event . Kata Kunci: Co-working space , key informan, komunikasi pemasaran, IMC

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