
This research the Principal's Strategy in Improving the Quality of Human Resources in the Post-Covid 19 Pandemic at Bustanul Ulum Pakusari Islamic Vocational School, the objectives of this study are 1) to find out the principal's strategy during the Covid 19 pandemic at IBU Vocational School. 2) to find out the principal's strategy in improving human resource management during a pandemic at IBU Vocational School. 3) to find out the inhibiting factors and supporting factors for school principals in improving human resources during the covid pandemic at SMK IBU. The method used is descriptive method in the form of spoken or written words from the observed people or actors, with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are interview techniques, observation and documentation. The subjects in this study consisted of school principals and teachers. The results of this study suggest that the principal's strategy in improving the quality of human resources has been well implemented. Because the principal cannot be separated from providing motivation and coaching to teachers. This can be seen in terms of teacher performance and tasks carried out from time to time. The inhibiting factors and supporting factors for improving the quality of human resources at the Islamic Vocational School of Bustanul Ulum are infrastructure facilities that are getting better than before, while the inhibiting factors (weaknesses and challenges) of school principals in improving the quality of human resources in post-covid 19 are students who are under the auspices of the pesantren because most of the students of the Bustanul Ulum Islamic Vocational School are santri which are not allowed to use or bring cell phones into the pesantren because it is regulated in the pesantren regulations.

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