
Muara Bungo is one of the Regencies in Jambi Province which was shown in 2017, obtained data from BPS, the total birth rate in Bungo Regency is still high, which is 2.50. That means, every woman who is still in her reproductive period has an average of three to five children. In Dwi Karya Bakti Village is a group of Children in Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) who have started living permanently since 2012. The Bungo District Government has supported as much as possible to empower the SAD. SAD is a Maalau heretic who runs a prison in Air Hitam, Bukit Dua Belas National Park. Efforts to control the growth of SAD have been made since they lived permanently. The population growth rate of SAD is still very high, this is due to the total or total fertility rate (TFR) which is still high and uncontrolled with the number of births reaching 17 babies each year from 55 families. Based on data obtained by researchers from the Rio Dusun Dwi Karya Bhakti office about SAD from Couples of Fertile Age to Monopause still produce children up to 8 people. Therefore, family planning extension staff must implement strategies that can support the growth of SAD by providing family planning counseling and the use of contraceptives. Most of the SAD in Dwi Karya Bhakti Hamlet still have been moved to the forest, which according to them is still available many game animals such as pigs, deer and antelope. The method used in this study used a descriptive method with qualitative data analysis. The strategy of the Pelepat District Family Planning Counseling Center in the Control of Population of Children in the Dwi Karya Bhakti Village in 2015-2017 includes strategies for cooperation and cooperation with related parties, field counseling strategies, and clinical counseling strategies. Obstacles issued by the Pelepat District Family Planning Counseling Center in Population Control for Children in the Dwi Karya Bhakti Village, among others, are not routinely supported, it is difficult to provide assistance to SAD, and there are still SADs that are mobile (Nomadic).

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