
A composite model of the elementary particle is proposed by taking the stable particles, namely proton, electron, neutrino and strange neutrino (v'), as the basic particles. The strange neutrino was introduced by mass reversal theory as the t9·decay product of A-particle. It differs from the usual neutrino by mass parity and carries a unit of strangeness. Two neutrinos are both left-handed two-component Dirac spinors. This model simplifies the mechanism of interactions very much because the basic particles are limited, to the stable ones. It is noted that the charge independent strong interactions uniquely require which is always attached to the core of the elementary particle. The important role of the vacuum-cloud will be revealed throughout this series of papers I-III. The interactions observed are empirically classified by the three independent reactions inside the core as follows: (a) The origin of the strong interactions is the reaction P~rro P where rrD is just the symbol for the state PP, (b) the reactions responsible for the leptonic decays of baryons are only 1-111~ev and J-1Y 1 ~ev, and (c) the non-leptonic decays of baryons take place through the strangeness non-conserving reaction, y1~rrDv. The complete selection rules for the leptonic events are established. In our model the event ,S+~N +e++y' is possible, while Sakata's model forbids this. The existence of a new neutral pion rrOI belonging to 1=0 is suggested. § I. Introduction We present in this paper a possible composite model for the elementary particle, using the information obtained in the previous paper1> entitled Mass Reversal and Weak Interactions. Among several mass reversal theories2l Nishijima's theory8> and ours4> are consistent and have the explicit operator of mass reversal, while others such as chirality theory5> seem to have some diffi­ culties. The operator of mass reversal takes the simpler expression in the Heisenberg representation in Nishijima's theory and in the interaction represen­ tation in ours. Nevertheless, the individual mass reversal MR(l) of our theory seems to contain some obscure points. One· of our purposes is to find out the ,correct interpretation of MR (1) and the way to modify the universal V-A theory to produce the better fit with the experimental evidences from the model established. We take for granted the correctness of charge independence, the

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