
Abstract The Cambrian portion of the Potsdam Sandstone contains a suite of scyphomedusae impressions in fine-grained to medium-grained quartz arenites that outcrop on the periphery of the Adirondack Mountains, New York. The fossils are similar taphonomically and morphologically to coeval scyphomedusae from the Elk Mound Group of Wisconsin and were likely stranded on a sand flat. Soft-tissue preservation in such sandstones is rare, except in Ediacaran Konservat-Lagerstatten. Although subtidal facies are abundant and continental facies are present in the Potsdam, soft-bodied fossils are found only in emergent coastal facies. These units are characterized by microbial structures including domal sand buildups, sand shadows, and breached ripples and by such horizontal trace fossils as Climactichnites and Protichnites. Domal sand buildups mantle some medusa carcasses and suggest that carcasses were exposed at the sediment-water or sediment-air interface for significant intervals of time prior to burial. It is u...

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