
AbstractIngestion rates where estimated for daphnids, Cyclops spp. and Bosmina (Eubosmina) coregoni thersites fed hepatotoxic and non‐toxic M. aeruginosa either separate or mixed with the readily available food alga Ankistrodesmus falcatus. The ingestion rates of hepatotoxic strains of M. aeruginosa are very low compared with those of A. falcatus or non‐toxic M. aeruginosa HUB 5‐3 fed to Daphnia magna or D. longispina. However, a close relationship between ingestion rate of different M. aeruginosa strains and their toxicity could not be observed. Addition of the toxic strain M. aeruginosa HUB 5‐2‐4 reduces the ingestion rates of A. falcatus progressively due to increased food rejection by D. magna. Additionally, the assimilation efficiency of M. aeruginosa HUB 5‐2‐4 is two times lower compared with A. falcatus and M. aeruginosa HUB 5‐3 leading to strong starvation.

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