
[1] Orbital radar sounding has been suggested as a means of determining the subsurface thermal and physical structure of the outer ice I shells of the Galilean satellites. At radar frequencies, the dielectric permittivity of single- and polycrystalline water ice I is anisotropic. Crystal orientation fabric (COF), which is indicative of strain history, can be unambiguously detected by comparing the received power of dual co-polarization (linear polarization parallel and perpendicular to the orbit) radar data. Regions with crystal orientations dictated by the local strain field (“fabric”) form in terrestrial ice masses where accumulated strain and temperature are high, similar to conditions expected in a convecting outer ice I shell on Europa, Ganymede, or Callisto. We use simulations of solid-state ice shell convection to show that crystal orientation fabric can form in the warm convecting sublayer of the ice shells for plausible grain sizes. Changes in received power from parallel and perpendicular polarizations in the ice shells due to fabric could be detected if multi-polarization data is collected. With proper instrument design, radar sounding could be used to shed light on the strain history of the satellites' ice shells in addition to their present day internal structures.

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