
AbstractWe have modeled the propagation of the perturbation induced by the 30 October 2016 Norcia (Central Italy) earthquake by a two‐dimensional finite element procedure based on strain diffusion in the crust‐mantle system. This approach simulates the excitation of an elastic‐viscous medium by the coseismic slip related to the above seismic event. We have analyzed the temporal evolution of the expected planar strain and strain rate at selected points of the model, located near active fault systems of the Central and Northern Apennines. Moreover, the strain style (i.e., the ratio of the principal axes of the planar strain tensor) computed at each selected point is compared with available tectonic and seismological information concerning the active strain regime. Finally, we discuss the possible influence of postseismic strain perturbation on major fault systems of the Central and Northern Apennines.

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