
The mammalian circadian system has a plasticity in a certain range, rather than a strict 24-hour cycle, with considerable variations among species, strains, and ages. As the most widely used mouse strains in circadian research, C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice were well known to have different internal periods and responses to various non-24-hour light-dark cycles. However, their entrainable range of circadian behavior was not specifically studied, neither was the effect of aging. Besides, it is not well known if mice with appeared behavioral adaptation are really healthy. In the current study, we exposed C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice at 3 months and 18 months old to a series of short (T cycles < 24 h) and long (T cycles > 24 h) light-dark cycles. Wheel running activities were monitored continuously for calculation of the entrainable range and glucose homeostasis was investigated to reflect their health status. Our results showed that the range in both young and old C57BL/6 mice is between T23 and T26. By contrast, due to the strong adaptability to extreme LD cycles, the entrainable range on a circadian scale in both young and old BALB/c mice cannot be well determined. Despite the adaptation appeared at the behavioral level, glucose homeostasis revealed by glucose tolerance test and insulin tolerance test was impaired in mice upon T cycle treatment. In summary, our study explored the entrainment range in two popular mouse strains and suggested that behavioral adaptation may not well reflect their health status.

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