
A strainmeter goes through a period of instability immediately after installation. To determine the stability of strainmeters installed around the Andong fault zone, South Korea, an x-MR control chart analysis and a T2 control chart analysis were conducted. The x-MR control chart analysis used an empirically determined 3σ control limit line to identify abnormal data in recently installed strain gauges. In the T2 control chart analysis, the control limit line was set at a confidence of 95%. A comparison of the early stage of measurement with the terminal stage of measurement for three months after installation indicates that stabilization depends on the location and direction of each strain gauge in x-MR control chart analysis. In the T2 control chart analysis, the number of values exceeding the control limit line decreased as the terminal stage was approached. Based on these results, it is suggested that the 3σ control limit line of an x-MR control chart can be used as a standard for single gauge stability, and that the 95% confidence limit of a T2 control chart analysis could be used as the standard for the stability of multi-gauge strainmeters.

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