
Populations Unrelated, autochthonous healthy volunteer donors from five northwestern African populations: Moroccan Arabs, Berber speakers from northern and central Morocco, Berbers from southern Morocco, Saharawis from the western Sahara and Algerian Berbers (Mozabites) collected in the town of Ghardaia (Tables 1±5) N 210±294 Extraction Phenol±chloroform protocol PCR Commercial kits (PE Applied Biosystems) AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus and AmpFlSTR Cofiler according to manufacters' recommendations. Additional samples were genotyped in single reactions for some STR loci (VWF/VWA, D5S818, D7S820, TH/ THO1, TPOX) overlapping the commercial kits using fluorescently labelled primers. Other nine STR loci (D11S2010, D13S767, D14S306, D18S848, D2S1328, D4S243, F13A1, FES/FPS, D9S926) were typed in all the northwestern African populations except for the Mozabites also using fluorescently labelled primers. Primer sequences can be found in [1] and PCR conditions in [2] Typing ABI 377, with reference sequenced ladders (PE Biosystems) or our own allele ladders Quality control GEP-ISFH Analysis of data Arlequin [3] Access to the data francesc.calafell@cexs.upf.es Other remarks See population analysis in [2]. Allele frequencies for 13 loci in a partial subsample of Arabs and northern Berbers are given in [1]

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