
The article is devoted to storytelling technology, which involves the production and promotion of optimized stories in the interests of companies and their products. The authors explore the dynamic development of this area of science and practice from structuring universal technologies to focusing on certain models of construction and actual application of these technologies in various socio-economic contexts. As a special perspective, the authors consider the interrelated concepts of “storytelling” and “conflict”, which perform the task of conflict management in order to obtain a positive effect. It is shown how the conflict component of the story simultaneously serves to make it more attractive and to promote the conflict towards its constructive solution. The practice of creating immersive stories that arise spontaneously or in an organized manner among consumers and the media, as well as the reaction of companies to them in the form of creating counterstories, is demonstrated. The experience of storytelling of three major corporations is analyzed: Procter & Gamble, Philip Morris and McDonald’s.

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