
Water pollution in the Citarum watershed is currently an urgent problem to control. Water pollution usually occurs due to the large number of pollutants entering the water bodies, such as from household, agricultural, industrial, livestock, and land use wastes. This study was conducted in the Citarum upstream watershed and divided into five locations: Situ Cisanti, Cikawao, Koyod, Rancamanyar, and Nanjung. This study aimed to analyze and identify the pollution level in the Citarum upstream watershed based on the BOD (biological oxygen demand), TDS (total dissolved solids), chloride, zinc, total detergent, nitrate, nitrite, lead, mercury, and phenol concentrations. These parameter data were then compared to the Indonesian government regulation for river water quality standards No. 22/2021 and the STORET (Storage and Retrieval) method, based on the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Water sampling from each location was carried out in different seasons. The STORET value in the rainy season was categorized as slightly polluted with the value of -10, then became -34 in the dry season as heavily polluted. Therefore, water pollution management is necessary to sustain the water resources by controlling the domestic waste and fertilizer application in agriculture and livestock culture.

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