
The network of stored program control communication processors interconnected with common-channel interoffice signaling (CCIS) is commonly referred to as the Stored Program Controlled (SPC) Network. The SPC network will result in new call handling and routing improvements and in new network-based services. It is desirable to tailor the services to meet special customer needs and to deploy them rapidly. A generic plan is described which provides a basis for building services from basic functional capabilities that are deployed in network action points and controlled by network control points. Terminating-end office features can be used to provide additional customer service options. Thus, service for a customer can be composed of sequences of actions stored at appropriate network central points using basic switching capabilities deployed in the network. As needs for customer service evolve, new capabilities can be added to the repertoire of existing capabilities. By equipping key nodes with the capabilities described, the generic plan will also allow the SPC network to evolve efficiently to meet future customer needs.

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